Ntrights Utility Download


Diskmon v2.01 (November 1, 2006) This utility captures all hard disk activity or acts like a software disk activity light in your system tray. DiskView v2.41 (October 15, 2020) Graphical disk sector utility. Disk Usage (DU) v1.62 (November 04, 2020) View disk usage by directory. EFSDump v1.02 (November 1, 2006) View information for encrypted files. Ntrights.exe (Windows 2000 Resource Kit) The Windows 2000 Resource Kits help IT professionals deploy, manage, and support Windows 2000 operating systems. There are a number of Windows 2000 Resource Kit software tools available for free download from Microsoft. There are a number of Windows 2000 Resource Kit software tools available for free download from Microsoft. Fcopy.exe - File Copy Utility for Microsoft Message Queuing More » Filespy.exe - File Spy. Ntrights.exe More ».

When setting up new virtual machines for Team Foundation Server 2010, I find myself having to manually create the four amigos: TFSSERVICE, TFSREPORTS, TFSBUILD, and WSSSERVICE (per the installation guide). Needless to say, this gets quite old, so I set out to automate this process.


First, I checked out Grant Holliday’s post from 2007 on Hands Free TFS Installation. I was only interested in the part where he creates the accounts and sets the permissions. His approach uses a (.bat) batch file, so he’s limited to using “NET USER” commands such as “net user TFSSERVICE * /DOMAIN /ADD /EXPIRES:NEVER”. I wanted to specify account description and have more control, so I decided to integrate his ideas with mine into a (.vbs) VBScript file. I also added code to create groups, such as the TFS Administrators group, which I always suggest having.

1. Download my script

It’s at the bottom of this post. The notorious b i g ready to die zip.

2. Obtain Microsoft’s ntrights.exe utility

It’s part of the free download of the Windows Server 2003 Resource Kit Tools. Download the tools and then install. Since you only need the ntrights.exe tool, it seems silly to install everything else, especially when I try to keep my VMs as small as possible. I used a snapshot VM so I could revert back, then installed the tools, copied out the one file, and reverted. If you trust me, then you can just download the ntrights.zip at the bottom (just don’t tell Microsoft).

3. Customize the script

Download expansion voice editor full crack. You may want to change the computer name, password, and account names. These are easy search/replace operations.

4. Keep the files together

I opted to put the tfsaccounts.vbs and ntrights.exe in the root of C:Program Files for simplicity and to not clutter up my C: root folder.

Attachments: tfsaccounts.zip, ntrights.zip

In order to use a vCAC vSphere template with Application Director, you must install the Application Director agent on your VM. In this example, I have created a VM with Windows 2008 R2 that already has the vCAC guest agent installed. I will show how to add the Application Director agent and then prepare this for use with a linked clone vCAC vSphere blueprint, which can then be used for an Application Director OS template.
IF YOU HAVE ALREADY installed the vCAC guest agent (gugent) then you will need to uninstall the guest agent as a service (stop the service and then run sc delete VCACGuestAgentService). The Application Director agent bootstrap install will configure the vCAC agent as part of the installation process.
Obtain the vCAC guest agent install and unzip it to the c:VRMGuestAgent folder but do not install the agent as you normally would. The Application Director agent bootstrap install will do this for you.
First, you will need to install JRE 1.7, which is available on the Application Director appliance at
http://ip of your appliance/agent/jre-1.7.0_45-win64.zipNtrights Utility Download
If you are interested, this file can be found in the path /home/darwin/tcserver/darwin/webapps/darwin/agent on the appliance (as well as all the other agent files).Ntrights utility download software

Ntrights utility download software
I simply used IE to grab the file.

Create a directory c:optvmware-jre and unzip the contents of the download to that folder - make sure that the extracted data lands in the folder c:optvmware-jre and NOT in
c:optvmware-jrejre-1.7.0_45-win64 because the boot agent script expects java to be in either c:optvmware-jrebin or in the system path (adding your java install path to the system path is a good idea, but not required if you adhere to the expected path of c:optvmware-jre

Once extracted, you can validate that JRE is working by running c:optvmware-jrebinjava -version

Now download the agent install from the appliance http://ipofyourappliance/agent/vmware-appdirector-agent-bootstrap-windows_6.0.0.0.zip

Extract the agent files to your c:windowstemp folder. You will need to disable security on the agent_bootstrap.ps1 file by right clicking the file, selecting properties from the context menu and then clicking 'Unblock' and then 'OK'

Now, for the next step you have a couple of choices in how to proceed. The agent bootstrap service needs to run as the local 'darwin' user account (this is created by the install.bat - you don't need to create it).
The install.bat will actually take care of this for you, but you will need the NTRights.exe utility from Microsoft, which is included in the Windows Server 2003 Resource kit. Simply download the resource kit, install it and then place the NTRights.exe file in the same folder as the agent bootstrap install files. The install.bat will take care of the rest.Ntrights Utility Download

Ntrights Utility Download Windows 10

Ntrights Utility Download

Otherwise, you can skip the NTRights utility and the install file will simply instruct you to perform this task manually. This is what I elected to do for my install example.
In either case, you are now ready to perform the agent bootstrap install. From the install directory, I use the following command:
install.bat password=VMware1! cloudProvider=vcac vcacServer=iaas.mylab.dias httpsMode=true
The password value is used to set the password for the local 'darwin' account which will be created to run the agent bootstrap service.
The cloudProvider should be set to vcac.
The vcacServer value is the FQDN for the Windows server running the vCAC 6.0 IaaS model manager.
Here's my output after running the agent bootstrap install - note that I am instructed to set the service logon manually because I elected to not install or use NTRights.exe:

Look for ntrights.exe..
Attempting to use C:optvmware-appdirectoragent-bootstrapntrights.exe for gra
nting darwin user the privileges to run the bootstrap service.
ERROR: C:optvmware-appdirectoragent-bootstrapntrights.exe not found.
Please perform the following manual steps to complete the bootstrap installation
- Run services.msc to bring up the Services management console.
- Open 'VMware vCloud Application Director agent bootstrap service'
- In the Log On tab, select 'This account' for 'Log on as',
enter '.darwin' as the account name and enter its respective password.
- Click OK.
Agent bootstrap installation partially completed. Please follow up with the manu
al steps to complete the installation.

You will find that the install.bat created a new folder under c:opt for the bootstrap agent. Installation log output can be viewed there if you need to troubleshoot.
Open services.msc and adjust the log on settings for the VMware vCloud Application Director agent bootstrap service to use the './darwin' account and set the password to the value used in the install.bat parameters.

At this point you can shut down the guest OS on your VM and after the VM is powered off, I will make a snapshot to use with my vCAC blueprint specifically for Application Director OS templates.