Starbound Best Mech Weapon


A mech weapon that fires a self-returning fist tipped with durasteel spikes. The only optional component are horns. Let's play Starbound Safari Park ep 9, Small World Tour! For beeping angrily when someone won't move out of the way. 10 Powerful Starbound Items You're Not Supposed to Have: Starbound. Nov 15, 2016 I think the best kind of mech system for Starbound would be a modular based one, that is to say, you build custom mechs from a variety of parts. Were I to create such a system, I would start from a chassis, which would be land, air, or water based.

  1. Best Mech Weapons Starbound
  2. How To Upgrade Mech Starbound
Mechs are vehicles that provide the player with protection and adjusted movement, as well as enhanced offensive and defensive abilities.

They were present as techs in the beta, and then were re-implemented as vehicles useable in both space and on ground, in update 1.3[1].

Dr. Akaggy will introduce the player to Mechs, and unlock their first, racial-themed vehicle after they complete the quest Test Drive. Also in the Mech Workshop are two important mech stations - the Mech Assembly Station and Mech Part Crafting Table.

  • 5Mech Components
    • 5.2Mech Stat Modification

Mech Parts

Mechs are composed of 6 customizable parts, each of which can change different characteristics of the mech:

Body: Affects Maximum Energy of the mech and its Defense. Also determines the resistance of the mech to planetary hazards (Deadly Radiation, Deadly Chill, and Deadly Heat).
Boosters: Affects Flight Speed and Maneuverability.
Left and Right Arms: Are weapons, with different effects and energy usage.
Legs: Affects Ground Speed and Jump Power.
Horn: In space, nobody can hear you honk.

Different parts can be obtained by learning their corresponding blueprints, usually found in non-planet locations in space. They can be equipped to the mech by using the Mech Assembly Station on your space station, or in Dr. Akaggy's workshop.

Piloting a Mech

The player automatically acquires a mech by completing the Test Drive quest. Once completed, they can deploy their mech while they are on their Ship using the 'Deploy Mech' option on the teleporter - this option only appears if the ship is parked at a space encounter, an asteroid field, or orbiting a visitable planet. Clicking this button launches a drop pod containing the player inside their mech which breaks apart upon arrival on a planet or entrance into a space encounter.

On planets and in sections of space encounters with gravity, the mech's movement is similar to that of the player. Left and Right inputs move the mech left and right, Jump input causes the mech to boost upward, and Down + Jump causes the mech to drop through platforms.

Starbound best mech parts

In sections of space encounters without gravity, the mech uses a different movement scheme. The directional inputs accelerate the mech in their respective directions, and the Jump input brings the mech to a stop.

In all cases, Left Mouse Button activates the mech's left arm, Right Mouse Button activates the mech's right arm, and F activates the mech's horn if one is equipped. Also, the Interact input causes the player to exit and enter the mech.

The player's mech automatically despawns when the player beams off of a planet or out of a space encounter, becoming available to deploy again from the player's ship.

Mech Assembly Station

The mech assembly station window.
After interacting with the Assembly Station players will see slots, similar to their armor equipment slots. These slots can be fitted with corresponding Starboundmech components.

As pieces are slotted in, the total energy and energy usage rate as well as the mech appearance will adjust. There are two color pickers underneath the Assembly diagram -one for the main color of the mech, and one for accent color. These options, if set to a color other than the default, will recolor all mech parts together, making the entire mech color coordinated with the selected options, and any swapped-in mech pieces will automatically color-adjust to the selected color palette.

The only optional component are horns. If there are any other types missing the 'Ready to Deploy' message at the bottom of the window will read 'Configuration Incomplete' and the piece slot will be highlighted red. An incomplete mech build cannot operate, and will not display energy/energy usage. (If the current character has not yet completed Test Drive, 'Unauthorized User' will appear instead of 'Configuration Incomplete' until the quest is completed.)

Mech Energy

Mechs have their own energy reserve, visualised as the blue bar above the vehicle. Using the mech will deplete it at a specified rate, which can be found on the Mech Assembly Station interface. Receiving damage also depletes energy, and attempting to pilot a mech on a planet without a body with resistances to its planetary hazards greatly accelerates energy drain. (Weapons are already accounted for by the energy drains added by their arms, so weapon usage does not deplete energy.) Hostile space entities, when killed, drop energy batteries that the mech can absorb to restore its own energy; no such energy regeneration mechanism exists on planets.

Once the energy bar hits 0, the player is ejected and one of two things happens depending on the cause of energy depletion:

  • If the mech was brought to 0 energy by a source of damage or by Lava-accelerated passive energy drain, the mech explodes for massive fire-type damage (which is not survivable except in some niche scenarios involving general and fire-type damage reductions).
  • Otherwise, if the mech's energy reaches 0 due to passive energy drain (even if accelerated by a harsh planetary environment), the mech simply vanishes without exploding.

Mech Components

Mech part schematics are unlocked by consuming mech blueprints, found in space encounters. The player will receive their first mech components, enough for a basic starter mech, after completing the quest Test Drive.

The tooltips for each mech piece display their stat levels. Each player receives an initial mech body which is racially themed to their character's race. Each race has an available upgraded racial body which they'll learn to craft after completing the quest Advanced Test Drive.

All mech components are crafted at the Mech Part Crafting Table which can be found beneath the Outpost. The station next to the crafting table, the Mech Assembly Station, is used to equip pieces.

There's no penalty to switching parts using a Mech Assembly Station, but each player can only have one mech configuration at once.

Environmental Resistance

Mechs are immune to fall damage, and they shield the pilot from airless environments. Their resistance to other kinds of hazardous environments depends on the quality of the mech's body:

  • Deadly Radiation: Resisted by Durasteel-tier bodies (upgraded racial bodies) and better. Bodies which do not resist this effect drain 20 more MJ of energy per second on natural Tier 4 Planets.
  • Deadly Chill: Resisted by Violium-tier bodies and better. Bodies which do not resist this effect drain 25 more MJ of energy per second on natural tier 5 planets.
  • Deadly Heat: Resisted by Solarium-tier bodies. Bodies which do not resist this effect drain 30 more MJ of energy per second on natural tier 6 planets.

Mechs will still shield their pilots from status effects and most damage sources even if they themselves cannot resist the environment. Mechs, however, cannot shield their pilots from taking damage from the Erchius Ghost on natural Moons, and they drain 40 more MJ of energy per second while in contact with Lava (if energy reaches 0 while in contact with lava, the mech will explode).

Mech Stat Modification

Each part of a mech, apart from the horn, determines certain performance characteristics of the mech.


All bodies add 1 MJ of energy drain per second to the mech. In addition, the following mech stats are determined by the equipped body:

  • Max Energy: Begins at 400 MJ, increases by 80 MJ for each filled segment of Max Energy.
  • Damage Reduction: For 1/2/3/4/5 filled segments of Defense, incoming damage is reduced by 76/80.8/84.6/87.7/90.2% before being deducted from the mech's energy (the numbers shown when damage is taken do not include this reduction).


The following mech stats are determined by the equipped boosters:

  • Air Control Speed: Maximum horizontal speed in the air in environments with gravity. Starts at 2 tiles per second and increases by 1 tile per second for each filled segment of Flight Speed.
  • Air Control Force: Determines how quickly the mech changes horizontal speed in mid-air in environments with gravity. Starts at 10 and increases by 5 for each filled segment of Maneuverability.
  • Flight Control Speed: Maximum speed in zero-gravity environments. Starts at 5 tiles per second and increases by 5 tiles per second for each filled segment of Flight Speed.
  • Flight Control Force: Determines how quickly the mech changes speed in zero-gravity environments. Starts at 40 and increases by 10 for each filled segment of Maneuverability.


The following mech stats are determined by the equipped legs:

  • Ground Speed: Maximum horizontal speed on the ground. Starts at 3.25 tiles per second and increases by 1.25 tiles per second for each filled segment of Ground Speed.
  • Jump Velocity: Upward speed during the boost phase of a jump. Starts at 14 tiles per second and increases by 4 tiles per second for each filled segment of Jump Power.
  • Jump Boost Time: Length of a jump's boost phase. Starts at 0.45 seconds and increases by 0.05 seconds for each filled segment of Jump Power.


The following mech stats are modified by each equipped arm:

  • Energy Drain: Starts at 0.1 MJ/s, increases by 0.05 MJ/s for each filled segment of Power. This drain only occurs while being fired, there may be a bug that only drains one arms worth of energy if they are both firing at the same time, more testing is required to confirm this.
  • Estimated Damage Output: Starts at 100 DPS, increases by 50 DPS for each filled segment of Power (see each mech arm's page for actual DPS).

Mech Bodies

Best Mech Weapons Starbound

Mech Boosters

Mech Arms

Mech Legs

How To Upgrade Mech Starbound

Mech Horns

Original Mechs

During beta, mechs were Techs powered by the player's energy bar, and could be beamed down from a player's ship to a planet. Taking damage in a mech would slowly drain the player's energy. When the energy was depleted, the mech would de-spawn, requiring a cool down before being re-summonable. [2]

Before beta the developers confirmed there would be at least one unique mech per race at launch. [3]


Mech Components
Mech StationsMech Part Crafting Table • Mech Assembly Station
Mech MaterialsSalvaged Actuator • Salvaged Armor Plate • Salvaged Interface Chip • Salvaged Nano Receptacle • Salvaged Power Coupling • Salvaged Proton Limiter • Salvaged Thruster Nozzle
Mech Parts
ArmsBeam Drill Mech Arm • Beam Sniper Mech Arm • Cannon Mech Arm • Cluster Mine Mech Arm • Drill Mech Arm • Dual Rifle Mech Arm • Energy Blade Mech Arm • Energy Rifle Mech Arm • Flak Cannon Mech Arm • Gatling Gun Mech Arm • Gravity Mine Mech Arm • Guided Missile Mech Arm • Heatrifle Mech Arm • Homing Missile Mech Arm • Missile Rack Mech Arm • Neo Chainsaw Mech Arm • Plasma Drone Mech Arm • Shield Drone Mech Arm • Solus Katana Mech Arm • Spikefist Mech Arm • Split Shot Mech Arm • Swarm Drone Mech Arm • Tesla Stream Mech Arm • Tommy Gun Mech Arm • Wobbleshot Mech Arm
BodiesArthuria Mech Body • Arthuria-00 Mech Body • Beat Mech Body • Champion Mech Body • Champion-00 Mech Body • Cyclops Mech Body • Dominion Mech Body • Dominion-00 Mech Body • Exodus Mech Body • Golem Mech Body • Golem-00 Mech Body • Hero Mech Body • Kabuto Mech Body • Kabuto-00 Mech Body • Lilotron Mech Body • Marshal Mech Body • Marshal-00 Mech Body • Miniknog Mech Body • Nightwinder Mech Body • Occasus Mech Body • Occasus-2 Mech Body • Protector's Mech Body • Reactor Mech Body • Shockhopper Mech Body • Skulduggery Mech Body • USCM Mech Body • Venturer Mech Body • Venturer-00 Mech Body
LegsArc Mech Legs • Basic Mech Legs • Hermes Mech Legs • Hopper Mech Legs • Intrepid Mech Legs • Ronin Mech Legs • Sleek Mech Legs • Twinjet Mech Legs
BoostersAstro Mech Boosters • Basic Mech Boosters • Gallant Mech Boosters • Hammer Mech Boosters • Sleek Mech Boosters • Stalwart Mech Boosters • Zed Mech Boosters • Zero Mech Boosters
HornsAirhorn Mech Horn • Bike Bell Mech Horn • Bull Mech Horn • Charge Mech Horn • Clown Mech Horn • Foghorn Mech Horn • Melody Mech Horn • Robot Voice Mech Horn • Rubber Duck Mech Horn • Sports Mech Horn • Steam Whistle Mech Horn • Toy Mech Horn • Train Whistle Mech Horn • Truck Mech Horn
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