We now proceed to the Samudrika-lakshana or chiromantic signs, good and bad, . It is laid down in the Shastras (scriptures) that the wise should never, under. Aug 8, Thread: ANGA LAKSHANA – Judging a Girl from her Features & Looks! . Samudrika Shastra is a Sanskrit term that translates roughly as. Mar 1, Samudrik Shastra: What Your Physical Appearance Says of Your ling’, Angalakshan describes very long penis will bring poor finances and.
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He must come from a large family, which has never known sin and poverty. Equally generous was Socrates, the “Christian before Christianity”; which generosity may, perhaps, account in part for the temper of Xantippe. Thumbs If thumbs take the shape of a lotus bud, she is fit to be married by a King.

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The following are the times when women are not to be enjoyed: They have arrived only at one type of WHR of a broad face with height less than the width of the face. A woman who has fleshy, round, like an elephant’s trunk with considerate spacing between thighs with light colored hair, then it denotes saumdrika she has great chances to be married to a highly successful man. Sixth, the wife of an imbecile or an impotent person.
Months later, Twain visited the same phrenologist, this time identifying himself.
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Samudrika Shastra- A woman’s face hold the secrets of her life
If 3rd and 4th do not touch ground, it indicates definite widowhood. Samudrika Shastra is a Sanskrit term that translates roughly as “knowledge of body features. Cheeks A woman with raised, fleshy, round and naturally pink cheeks is lively in nature and kind to others.
Eyes Black pupil, surroundings white like cow’s milk, large and broad, smooth, with dark eye lashes are lucky signs. But the man in whose palm an unbroken line runs from the ball or cushion of the little finger to that of the middle finger, should be considered as likely to live for a period of sixty years.
And, if they are yellowish, and caved in with uneven shape, it is a sign of bad nature, and cruel person. Large toned thighs with long arms that reach his knees are the indicator of enjoying lordship and supremacy. Thick tongue denotes poverty. The seventeenth is not to fly when attacked by robbers and villains. If the space created between the curve of sole and floor is more than average, it indicates mediocre financial status.
The king no sooner saw her than he fell in love with her, thinking day and night of nothing but possessing her, till at last, succeeding in his project, both spent a long time in the pleasures of carnal connection.
If a woman has fleshy, hairless back, it means she will be sexually desirable and would have a content sexual life. And are they very beautiful? And now to describe the signs and symptoms by which we are to know when women are enamoured of us. Eighth, in a fort or castle.
Samudrika Shastra
The woman whose two little toes do not touch the ground whilst walking, will certainly lose her husband; and during her widowhood, she will not be able to keep herself chaste. Suppose that a woman, having reached the lusty vigour of her age, happen to become so inflamed with love for a man, and so heated by passion that she feels herself failing into the ten states before described, and likely to end in death attended with frenzy, if her beloved refuse her sexual commerce.
Sign of Swastika on forehead denotes a Queen. Decoding woman’s personality with Samudrika Shastra Women are born charmers; and they have this unexplained gravitational pull that makes them the center of our universe. What led to the Mahaprasthan of Pandavas? The seventh is circumspection in love matters. Back If a woman has fleshy, hairless back, it means she will be sexually desirable and would have a content sexual life.

On the other hand, the following women are hard to be subdued: Seventh, the wife of a fat and tun-bellied man. Hairy forehead is very unlucky. In this matter races greatly differ: If the indications are contrary, she will suffer misery. Know what the August 11 Solar Eclipse is bringing for you on the basis of your Zodiac.
Bent or curved forward denotes slavish tendency. Auspicious benefits of keeping Gomti Chakras in home other than attracting Money!
Hair on feet denotes servitude and if feet are lean, bony or without flesh, it is an indication that she is sexually undesirable. Lips Lower Red like a lotus petal, smooth and divided in the middle is very auspicious.
Fifthly, when she laughs causelessly at the sight of a man. Horoscope Predictions by date of birth. Such a girl is truly fitted for marriage; and let a sensible man hasten to take her, by performing the ceremonies which are commanded in the Holy Law. And, if feet are lean, bony or without flesh, it is an indication that she is sexually undesirable.
Samudrika Shastra: These physical features in women reveal their true nature!
The 32 features are Kingly features which a king would possess, according to this Sastra. Casual observation seems to support the research. Fourth, a woman who is fond of conversation. Angz, the wife of an old man. Presently Indra, happening to remember the Apsara, despatched his messenger, one of the Gandharvas heavenly minstrelsto the world of mortals, and recalled her.
HindusBuddhistsand Jains share this ancient Samudrika Shastra tradition. Hairy, veins showing up and full of lines folds or wrinkles shaztra misery. He must be young, handsome, wealthy, brave and influential; diligent sshastra business, moderate in enjoying riches, sweet of speech, well versed in discharging his own dudes, known to the world as a mine of virtues, steadfast in mind, and a treasury of mercy, who gives alms and makes charities as far as his means permit.
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