Television Program That Displays Social Deviance


Social deviance write a 750-word paper using APA standards that includes discussion of the following: Describe an example of a television program that you believe clearly displays social deviance, and explain why you specifically selected it. Jan 05, 2009 One of the first TV shows to show a family deviant from the nuclear family was Julia. It was broadcast on NBC in 1968 and was the first sitcom to have an African American in a starring role since Amos ‘n’ Andy. Diahann Carroll played Julia who was a widowed nurse raising her young son Corey in a multi-racial apartment complex.

Brandee King

For this weeks assignment, we had to pick a popular T.V show and analyze its content for social deviance. Because I find this topic perfect for my source, I chose to analyze Keeping Up With the Kardashians. This show has been on the air for over 10 years and people continue to watch the personal lives of 5 sisters. My question and thoughts are why do educated individuals find this show to be of value to watch and what is the attraction? I certainly do not know but maybe the answer is deviance. The questions from page 168 in the book are listed below.

Who is the intended audience for this program? Wood burning patterns. Why did you choose it?

I am not really sure who the intended audience for this show is. In my opinion it is directed at young girls in an attempt to persuade them to act a certain way. However, based on how long the show has been on air I can only assume that the show is intended for any audience interested in celebrity drama. I chose to watch this show because so many people watch this show religiously season after season and whereas I do not find the show of any value, many other viewers tune in every week to see the newest Kardashian gossip.

What kind of deviance is featured?

In this show multiple kinds of deviance are featured. One of the most fascinating acts of deviance I noticed was the youngest sister Kylie underwent plastic surgery to have her lips injected so that her lips were “fuller”. Now in the episode Kylie’s mother seems to have no idea that her underage daughter is having plastic surgery done for cosmetic benefit. After the family finds out that Kylie has had the procedure done they are upset with her decision, but fail to include why it makes it okay that they have unnecessary cosmetic procedures done on a regular basis.

Is the deviance celebrated or condemned?

In this episode you could say that the deviance in condemned, however statements were made from the sisters of Kylie saying they loved her new lips and they would stand behind their sister in any decision she made.


How does it make you feel to watch the program?

As a young female with self esteem issues myself, watching this program makes me feel devalued and unappreciated. I think this show is an awful example for young females because the role models are celebrating these awful values and condoning this type of behavior.

What effect do you think the show has on other viewers?

I think the show has a similar effect as it has on me. However, the viewers watching this show more than likely support the behavior on the show because if not they would not be watching the show. I also think that the show gives viewers this glorified outlook on life when in reality we can not expect to live like the Kardashians.

Do you think the program serves to reinforce or challenge prevailing social norms?

Television Program That Displays Social Deviance As A

I think this show serves both. I think it reinforces by promoting some of the same things the media does and standing behind ridiculous acts and behaviors. I also think it challenges prevailing social norms because realistically the average person cannot afford the same lifestyle so the social norm for a Kardashian is remarkably different from the social norm of me, for example.