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The Da Vinci Code Mystery, Thriller 2h 29m 2006 A murder in Paris’ Louvre Museum and cryptic clues in some of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous paintings lead to the discovery of a religious mystery. So The Da Vinci Code can be an entertaining starting point to learn something new. Even readers unaffected by the book's religious claims are likely to be intrigued by topics mentioned in the book and would like to learn more (e.g., are there really 666 panes in the Louvre Pyramid?). Picktorrent: monster hunter freedom unite torrent psp iso - Free Search and Download Torrents at search engine Tamil rockers.sh the da vinci code. Download Music, TV Shows, Movies, Anime, Software. All posts must be related to Monster Hunter. I’d prefer to download it from there instead of.

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Dan Brown was born on June 22, 1964 inExeter, New Hampshire. He attended Phillips Exeter Academy and AmherstCollege. After college, he returned to Phillips Exeter to teachEnglish.


Although a writer of commercial fiction, Brown’s interestin the genre arose fairly late in his life. He read his first thriller,Sidney Sheldon’s Doomsday Conspiracy, after hehad graduated from college. This thriller, which Brown stumbledupon by accident, inspired him to work in the same genre. Asidefrom Sheldon, Brown has said he admires Robert Ludlum, for his abilityto plot large-scale, international thrillers; John Steinbeck, forhis descriptive skills; and Shakespeare, for his wordplay.

Brown grew up in a household in which religious and academic topicswere discussed openly—his mother was a professional sacred musicianand his father was a math professor. This background provided Brownwith the confidence to explore some of the complicated conflictsthat arise between religion and science. One of his early novels,for example, Angels and Demons (2000),examines the conflict between science and religion.

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Another theme frequently addressed in Brown’s work isthe secret society. Brown has said that secret societies hold aspecial fascination for him, having grown up in New England, whereIvy League universities, Masonic lodges, and seats of governmental powerall have their secret rituals and mysterious elements. Two of Brown’snovels, Digital Fortress (1996)and Deception Point (2001),deal with secret governmental organizations.

Yet it was Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code (2003),a book that combines all three of these themes, that catapultedBrown to celebrity. So staggering was its success that it inspiredreaders to return to Brown’s earlier novels, belatedly putting themon the New York Times bestseller list.

The idea for The Da Vinci Code, a thrillerthat hinges on a trail of clues hidden in the works of LeonardoDa Vinci, first came to Brown while he was studying art historyin Spain and learned about hidden symbols in Da Vinci’s paintings.While he was researching Angels and Demons, hisfirst book, which also has Robert Langdon as the main characterand which deals with another secret society, the Illuminati, Brownwas confronted with Da Vinci once again. He arranged to go to theLouvre, where he saw many of Da Vinci’s paintings and interviewedan art historian. Before writing The Da Vinci Code,Brown spent a year researching Da Vinci and reading widely aboutcryptography and symbology. He also studied up on, and interviewedmembers of, Opus Dei, a controversial organization within the CatholicChurch.

Brown considers himself a Christian and has said thatthe issues that preoccupy the characters in The Da VinciCode matter to him on a personal level. He has repeatedlyinsisted that The Da Vinci Code was meant to sparkfurther discussion about the mission and place of the Church, notto inspire denunciation of the Church. Furthermore, Brown does notclaim that everything the characters discuss is the absolute true.Nonetheless, his novel has been met with a spate of books writtenby outraged Christians and Catholics, taking Brown to task for hisconception of everything from the Holy Grail to Mary Magdalene’srelationship to Jesus to the validity of the noncanonical Gospels.Brown has welcomed these debates, insisting that apathy is the enemyof true faith and discussion is the lifeblood of any religion. Brownhas also received many letters of support from people inside theChurch who appreciate his work. He says that these supporters includenuns who have thanked him for pointing out how ironic and painfulit is that even women who give up their lives to serve the Churchare not considered fit to serve behind the altar.

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After the enormous success of his novels, Brown gave upteaching and now focuses on his writing full time. His next novelswill feature Robert Langdon, the protagonist of Angels andDemons and The Da Vinci Code.